@article{oai:icu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005325, author = {バックリー , 節子}, issue = {64}, journal = {教育研究}, month = {Mar}, note = {今日,日本は多文化国家になりつつある。グローバル化により国際的連携が増し,理解が高まる一方,国家,地方レベルで文化的ひずみが生じ,民族の多様性,公生,社会の受け入れに関する論争が起こっている。何世紀にも渡り,日本人は単一民族だと信じられてきたが,2007年の国連総会で世界の先住民族の存在が承認され,先住民族である少数民族の人権を保証することが可決された。翌年日本政府もアイヌが日本の先住民族であることを承認した。しかし,アイヌをはじめ,日本における少数民族の人権擁護は日本人の排他主義のために未だ不十分である。本稿はまず歴史的視野から日本における少数民族の人権問題を提起する。次に,世界的視野から人権の内容,人権擁護の必要性を叙述し,さらに日本における人権運動の核をなす文化の意味を分析する。そして最後に,人権教育に関する日本政府の役割,展望を検索する。 Today Japan is becoming a multicultural nation due to globalization. There are positive and negative factors of its change. Despite increased interconnections and understanding across borders, cultures and societies have not yet quickly reacted and adapted to this change. That has caused cultural tensions at national and local levels, which has raised issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion. Equity embraces inclusion of everyone, especially groups of minorities who are marginalized in the pluralistic society because of prejudice and discrimination against them. Many Japanese believed for centuries that Japan is a homogeneous, middle-class society. However, the notion became a myth when Japan entered a long-term recession and when the United Nations General Assembly recognized the existence of indigenous people in the world and guaranteed their human rights in 2007. Japanese government acknowledged the Ainu as indigenous people of Japan in 2008. Other major social minorities include Okinawans, Zainichi (resident) Koreans, and Burakumin (outcastes). Their human rights are deprived by the ethnocentrism of the mainstream Japanese who determine those social minorities as the others. This research examines: (a) human rights issues of social minorities in Japan in historical context; (b) the nature of human rights of social minorities and its advocacy in global context; (c) the meaning of culture in human rights movements in Japan; and (d) Japanese government role and perspective on Human Rights education. This research will benefit educators who are engaged in advancing equity and inclusion in valuing diversity.}, pages = {79--86}, title = {日本における人権教育の課題―― 政府の役割及び展望 ――}, year = {2022} }