@article{oai:icu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004832, author = {桑山, 碧実 and 笹尾, 敏明}, issue = {62}, journal = {教育研究}, month = {Mar}, note = {国際的な移住が増加する昨今,移住者の心理的ウェルビーイングの低下が懸念されている。過去の研 究では,心理社会的エコロジカル要因(ソーシャルサポート,社会的つながり,コミュニティ感覚など) が移住者の心理的ウェルビーイングや養育において保護要因となることが明らかにされてきたが,日本 においてはそれらの要因の関連がほとんど検討されていない。本稿は,都市部の在日フィリピン人母親 を対象に,心理的ウェルビーイングと養育に対する自己効力感における心理社会的エコロジカル要因の 役割を検討することを目的とした。質問紙調査の結果,ホスト社会及び移住者のコミュニティ両方における心理社会的エコロジカル要因(社会的つながり及びコミュニティ感覚)が心理的ウェルビーイング 及び養育自己効力感に肯定的な影響を与えていることが示唆された。ただし,対象者の状況や時間的制 約などによってサンプルサイズが小さくなったことや非識字層の回答を得られなかったことが本稿の主 な限界として考えられ,今後は質的調査も併せた混合研究法により研究が行われることが期待される。   Migration experience brings psychological distress to migrant individuals in the process of acculturation. Particularly, women are more exposed to additional stressors in the newly adopted host countries. In the previous literature, social-ecological correlates (e.g., social support, social connectedness, and sense of community) have been found to enhance psychological well-being and effective parenting among immigrants. However, the relationship between social-ecological correlates, psychological well-being, and parenting have rarely been investigated in Japan. This paper aimed at investigating the role of socialecological correlates of psychological well-being and parenting self-efficacy among Filipino migrant mothers in urban Japan with an eye toward developing future interventions promoting their psychological well-being. The SEM analyses showed that social connectedness in the Filipino community and sense of community mediated acculturation and life satisfaction, and social connectedness in the local Japanese community mediated acculturation and parenting self-efficacy. Also, it was revealed that participation in religious activities and neighborhood activities indirectly influence life satisfaction via social-ecological correlates; and participation in neighborhood activities, school activities, and language learning opportunities indirectly influence on parenting self-efficacy via social-ecological correlates. Although the sampling method and sample size were noted as the major limitations, the current study still provided support for the notion that social connectedness and sense of community can have a positive effect on psychological well-being and parenting self-efficacy among Filipino migrant mothers in urban Japan. As a future research implication, focusing more on the strengths and the resource of migrant mothers and their community by using a mixedmethod approach would be recommended.}, pages = {21--37}, title = {都市部の在日フィリピン人の母親の心理的ウェルビーイングと養育に関する自己効力感における心理社会的エコロジカル要因の役割}, year = {2020} }