@article{oai:icu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004618, author = {浅見, 紫織 and ローランド, ダグラス and 森島, 泰則}, issue = {61}, journal = {教育研究}, month = {Mar}, note = {本研究では,英語学習者向けの代名詞処理を伴うリーディングスパンテスト(Anaphora Reading Span Test)の材料文の開発過程を報告した。読解能力をより精緻に検証する作動記憶容量の指標として,代名詞処理を組み込んだCarriedo, Elosúa, & García–Madruga(2011)のリーディングスパンテストの問題点を指摘し,テストの材料文の特徴と構造を検討した。そして,材料文は代名詞とその指示対象候補2個を含み,文の意味から正しい指示対象が特定される構造で80文作成された。また,代名詞の指示対象がどの程度明確かについて,7件法の質問紙調査を行った。調査を経て,指示対象が意味的に明確なテスト材料候補文は,指示対象が統語的に明確な文と指示対象の明確さが同程度となるよう統制された。調査結果を下にテストで使用される70 文を選定した。, The current study reported the development of the materials for a new reading span test for English learners, named the Anaphora Reading Span Test, involving pronoun resolution. We first discuss the problems of the original reading span test (Daneman & Carpenter, 1980) and the reading span test that is involved in pronoun resolution (Carriedo, Elosúa, & García–Madruga, 2011). Eighty sentences for the new reading span test were developed. The sentences had two referent-candidates and a pronoun. The proper referent of the pronoun could be contextually identified. Then the comprehensibility of the pronouns in each sentence was investigated. The participants were asked to decide which candidate was the most likely the referent of the pronoun by circling a point on a scale. The results indicated that the referents were semantically as clear as those which were syntactically unambiguous. Finally, 70 sentences were selected for the new reading span test according to the comprehensibility of the pronouns.}, pages = {81--90}, title = {英語学習者向け代名詞処理を伴うリーディングスパンテストの材料文開発}, year = {2019} }