@article{oai:icu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004614, author = {バックリー, 節子}, issue = {61}, journal = {教育研究}, month = {Mar}, note = {1990年代のバブル経済崩壊により,日本は中流社会から格差社会へと移行し,さらに社会グループの 急増により,多文化社会に突入した。この傾向は社会公正の論争を牽引しているが,責任ある市民の期 待を担う青年の多数は公共問題に無関心で,公共,政治活動に従事していない。2015 年6 月,政府は政 策を一新しようと,被選挙権年齢を20歳から18歳に引き下げた。しかし未だ単一文化同一性は中央集 権政府に統制され,青年は社会から疎外され,引きこもるか社会的政治的暴力に走りがちである。社会 の承認,恩恵のない社会参加不可能な状況下で,個人,社会の統合はあり得ない。本研究はまず単一文 化同一性,社会格差の下で,青年が直面する問題を捉える。次に心理社会学的立場から,統合の壁とな る個人と社会の関係を分析する。最後に公正に影響を及ぼす文化的意味,道徳的価値を分析する。開放的, 包含的社会を重視した市民社会を構築するのに,この方法は有意義であろう。, Japan’s burst bubble economy in 1990’s caused its ‘Middle Class’ society to a ‘society of disparity’. Furthermore, a drastic rise in the number of social groups reveals that Japan is faced with a multicultural society. This trend invokes a critical issue concerning equity in the society. Japanese youth are expected to be responsible future citizens, however, many of them are disinterested in civic issues and are uncommitted to civic and political participation. In June 2015, the Japanese government lowered the age of voting rights from 20 to 18 to include more fresh ideas of young people. However, mono-culture identity controlled by the centralized government and its education system in postwar Japan still hinders Japanese youth to develop critical thinking and creativity. As a result they tend to be alienated from the society and tend to be cocooned or socially, politically violence. Japanese youth are marked as underrepresented, disadvantaged group and do not have access to full participation in society due to social stratification. Under the circumstance, there is no personal or social integration. This paper first identifies the significance of the problems that Japanese youth are faced with, in relation to mono-culture identity. Secondly, it examines the relationship between these two obstacles for personal and social integration from a psycho-sociological perspective. Thirdly, it analyzes the meaning of culture and moral values that may affect equity. Finally, it attempts to find ways to help Japanese youth increase their civic and political engagement. This approach within a specific culture would help construct a civil society that stresses openness and inclusion of everyone.}, pages = {39--47}, title = {日本青年の公共及び政治活動への従事に関する一考察}, year = {2019} }