@article{oai:icu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004425, author = {斉藤, 泰雄}, issue = {60}, journal = {教育研究}, month = {Mar}, note = {本論は,植民地教育論に関する研究ノートである。ここでは,欧米列強による植民地教育政策とその遺制に関する先行研究を分析整理するとともに,日本が戦前に領有していた台湾において50 年間にわたって展開した植民地教育の軌跡をたどり,その政策の特色を分析する。最初は住民の拒絶や無視という困難な状況で出発した教育事業は,しだいに台湾住民に受け入れられるようになる。1919 年の台湾教育令によって整備された教育制度は,内地人(日本人)と台湾人の教育の分離,差別的待遇を温存するものであった。しかし,1922 年の新教育令による制度改革は,内地延長主義の原則にしたがい,両者の教育上の差別待遇を解消し,中等教育以上での内台共学まで実現するという同時代の欧米諸国の植民地教育政策では類例をみない画期的なものとなった。最終的には,植民地における義務教育の実施という先例のない政策も導入されるにいたる。, This article is a study note on the education in the colonial dependencies, focusing on the Japanese colonial education in Taiwan. Japanese colonial authority proclaimed that the assimilation of Taiwanese and promotion of Japanese language was the main goal of Japanese educational policy. Although Japanese educational effort was faced with difficult problem, gradually the islanders began to accept Japanese-style schooling. The Taiwan educational ordinance of 1919 established a single, coordinated education system for them. However, Taiwanese pressure for advanced schooling became increasingly difficult to resist. Despaired of the limited opportunity in Taiwan, some rich families began sending their children to Japan. In 1922, the new education ordinance was promulgated which declared to abolish the separatism and discriminatory treatment in education and establish full equality of opportunity between Taiwanese and Japanese. It named the common schools as institution for non-Japanese-speaking children and the primary schools for Japanese-speaking children regardless of race. On the higher levels of the educational system all schools were to be governed henceforth by the same educational orders which regulated their counterparts in Japan. Taihoku Imperial University and a preparatory higher school were also established. The enrollment ratio of the native children became to be considerably high. In the final stage of the colonial period, the colonial authority decided to inaugurate compulsory education in Taiwan. Japanese colonial education policy began to assume a unique feature that was different from Western powers.}, pages = {43--51}, title = {植民地教育論研究ノート -日本統治下台湾での教育政策をめぐって-}, year = {2018} }