@article{oai:icu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004388, author = {Ishii, Keita}, journal = {ICUWPL}, month = {Aug}, note = {Japanese has a large number of grammatical markers which can show stereotypicality (McCready & Ogata 2007a) such as rashii, mitai, yoo, or meku. This paper investigates the denotation of stereotypicality in meku, compared to that of rashii, mitai, and yoo. First, this paper shows that meku can function as a compound,and only this case denotes stereotypicality. Second, I suggest that Compounding-meku composes a degree predicate (Kennedy, 1997), even though it is not a gradable adjective. Finally, this paper provides a compositional semantics of the denotation of stereotypicality in Compounding-meku, proposing that Compounding-meku does not have any linguistic presuppositions which rashii or mitai /yoo have. In addition, this paper discusses the aspectual coercion effect on Japanese stative verbs including Compounding-meku.}, pages = {87--96}, title = {Compounding-meku as a Degree Predicate of Stereotypicality}, volume = {2}, year = {2017} }