@article{oai:icu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004337, author = {中村, 優治}, issue = {59}, journal = {教育研究}, month = {Mar}, note = {20 世紀後半より英語の使用が地球規模で拡大化し,いわゆるグローバル化が進む中で,日本を含めたアジアにおいても英語能力の獲得の重要性が増してきた。日本においては英語の国際化と英語教育の充実が一段と推し進められており,日本の将来計画に向けても英語は国策のカギとなっていると考えられる。このように,日本の英語教育の重要性が注目され,期待される中,グローバル化された社会での英語教育への英語教員の意識の変化,あるいは行動に向かう動機付けに関してはまだ足並みがそろっていないようである。英語教育に関して,日本がアジアの他の国々と全く同じ悩み,問題を抱えているとは言えないが,国境をこえて情報を共有し英知を合わせて,より良い方向に進むような営みができることがEIL(国際語としての英語)の役割ではないないだろうか。 The global spread of English as the medium of the international domain in the late twentieth century has intensified the need for its mastery. This trend has led to several important developments of the English language throughout East Asia, including Japan. The globalization of English coupled with the extension of English education, has accelerated the development of ELT business in Japan. Japanese policy makers believe English plays an integral role in shaping future plans for the nation. Increasingly, the importance of English education in the Japanese education system is receiving attention. Specifically, English education as it relates to globalization, and national competiveness. Although English education is often praised, some groups are resisting. For example, while the vast majority of teachers have attempted to increase their English fluency, some teachers remain less motivated to study. The issues associated with ELT throughout East Asian countries may be summed up as a series of dilemmas. First, the quantitative vs. qualitative dilemma that is characterized by the shortage of English teachers coupled with existing teachers need to improve teaching practices. The second issue relates to the traditional vs. modern pedagogical approaches.For example, some teachers may adhere to traditional text-centered approach of grammar translation, while others are more apt to teach through communicative approach of task based learning. The third dilemma is continuity vs. change. While some people include modern technology in the classroom, others are fearful of overreliance on technology. In order to help provide a framework for countries seeking to establish an English education structure in future, Japan could share their developmental processes across borders.}, pages = {177--182}, title = {英語のグローバル化と英語教育の諸問題}, year = {2017} }