@article{oai:icu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002339, author = {佐柳, 信男}, issue = {51}, journal = {教育研究}, month = {Mar}, note = {日本では過半数の児童・生徒が義務教育の期間中に学習塾を利用しており,その影響について多くの 議論がなされてきたにも関わらず,これまでに実証的な検討はほとんどなされてきていない.本研究で は,自己決定理論の枠組みを使い,通塾の動機づけへの影響を探索的に検討した.小学生に対する質問 紙調査の結果,学習塾に対する懸念として指摘されてきた,自律的動機づけを低下させ,他律的な動機 づけを高めるという傾向は確認されなかった.逆に,通塾する児童は学習動機づけがより自律的であり, 他律的な動機づけは低い傾向が示唆された.また,通塾がコンピテンス感覚を媒介して自律的動機づけ を高めるとの心的過程が示唆された.ただし,本研究は横断的な調査だったため,因果関係の解釈につ いては慎重を期すべきである.今後は縦断的な調査で通塾の影響をさらに検討する必要がある.また, 本研究では通塾の影響を調整している可能性のある要因として学習塾における競争的な雰囲気と,児童・ 生徒の通塾目的を指摘した.今後の研究ではこれらの要因も含めて検討すべきだろう., Discussion on the effects of attending cram school has historically been very controversial in Japan. However, despite the fact that a majority of Japanese children attend cram schools at one point or another, there has been surprisingly little empirical investigation on the matter. This study endeavored to garner some evidence on the effects of cram school on schoolchildren’s motivation towards studying, and 836 fourth- to sixth-graders participated in a questionnaire survey. Results indicated that, contrary to historically perceived misgivings against cram schools, schoolchildren who attend cram schools have significantly higher autonomous motivation and significantly lower heteronomous motivation than those who attend less or do not attend. Further analysis suggested that perceived competence in studying mediates the effect of attending cram school on autonomous motivation. This study has several limitations. The biggest is that it was a latitudinal study and that the causal relationship between cram school attendance and motivation should be confirmed in a longitudinal study. Another is that several possible moderating factors of the effects of cram school, such as the competitive milieu of a cram school and students’ objectives for attending them, were not included. However, it is the first step in providing empirical evidence on the effects of attending cram school, and it is hoped that the findings will be useful as starting blocks for future studies.}, pages = {55--63}, title = {学習塾通いが小学生の勉強に対する動機づけにおよぼす影響}, year = {2009} }