@article{oai:icu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002335, author = {金, 玉泰}, issue = {51}, journal = {教育研究}, month = {Mar}, note = {安息日に関する概念とその余暇の意味は,時代により移り変わりを繰り返してきた.神様の創造規約 による,ユダヤ民族の律法的な「安息日」に対する概念は,キリストにより新しく解釈され回復した. しかし中世において安息日の概念は,再び律法的状況へと戻っていき,余暇の形態はありはするが大部 分の余暇が禁止された.宗教改革者たちは,安息日を律法的束縛から解放させるなど教義的にもまた余 暇の面においても,大きな意義を与えた.しかし清教徒の安息日の概念は,再び律法的概念に戻るので あった.現代,韓国の教会では,律法的な安息日厳守主義が非常に弱くなってきてはいる.更に,文化 の発達と共に,余暇に対する理解は広まってきており.ボランティアが始まった余暇的意義を探すこと ができる.大切なことは,安息日の重要な意味が人間のためにあるということである.私たちはキリス トの模範を通し,安息日と余暇の価値を再認識しなければならない., The idea of the Sabbath and its meaning of leisure has reiterated through the changes of the centuries. The concept of the Jewish Sabbath which focused on the law which was made by God’s creation rule was newly interpreted and reformed by Christ. However, the Sabbath of the Middle Ages returned to the strict law, and while there was a form of leisure, the majority of leisure activities were prohibited. The Reformers broadened the meaning doctrinally through the liberation of the Sabbath from the restraints of the law, and in respect for man’s life, dignity, and leisure. However, the Puritan’s idea of the Sabbath again showed the recurrence of the law. In the present day Korean church, Sabbatarianism to the law has been weakening largely (strict observance the Lord’s day has been emphasized now and then), but we can see the understanding of leisure has been expanding with cultural development. Most significant of all is the important meaning of the Sabbath for the individual, and we’ll have to renew the Sabbath and value of leisure through Christ’s example.}, pages = {11--21}, title = {安息日に関する概念の時代的移り変わりによる余暇的意味}, year = {2009} }