@article{oai:icu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002268, author = {岩井, 律子}, issue = {56}, journal = {教育研究}, month = {Mar}, note = {臨床心理学における居場所の実証的先行研究は,安心感,受容感からの理解が基本であったが,物理的環境の検討,また発達的な意味,複数の居場所の同時検討はされてこなかった。そこで本研究は,後期青年期の主観的居場所体験を自我と自己の側面から構造化すること,また物理的環境面を検討することを目的とした。大学生40名(うち31名が分析対象)が半構造化面接に参加し,大学キャンパスにおける3つの居場所とそこでの体験を語った。体験を分析したところ,13種類の居場所体験型が同定された。さらに人格機能による上位構造化を行い7 種類のタイプを見いだし,それぞれを発達理論から論じた上で,後期青年期特有の居場所体験について考察した。また,個人の体験における物理的環境の関わりを検討したところ,各タイプ特有の関わり方が見いだされた。最後に,複数の居場所を描き出したことによる居場所の意味を論じた。, Previous empirical studies on “ibasho” (place of being) have focused on safety and acceptance. It has been assumed that late adolescents might have more than one ibasho and that physical environments might play different roles in the different functions of ibasho. This study was, therefore, conducted to examine subjective experiences of ibasho, both physically and psychologically, especially in terms of psychodynamic personality development. Forty university students participated in semi-structured interviews. They were asked to mark three places on the campus map that they considered to be ibasho and freely discuss the reasons behind their decisions. Based on relevant episodes in the scripts of 31 students, 13 subjective ibasho experience patterns were conceptualized and constructed into seven ego-self functioning types. These were isolation avoidance(composed of isolation mitigation and isolation anxiety), self independence (withdrawal, self gnosis, and relaxation), supportive group-identity (half isolation, group identification and half isolation and half group),consolidated group identification (stable friend relationship), productivity (activity centered and study centered), self-ideal pursuits (self conflicts) and identity (ego-identification). The study identified ego-active ibashoes suggested for the first time, although the safety of groups proved as important as it had in previous studies. Discussions about these experience patterns and ego-self functioning types implied that ibasho and the possession of plural ibashoes were salient factors in the process of personality development during late adolescence.}, pages = {89--99}, title = {大学キャンパスにおける大学生の主観的居場所体験と 後期青年期人格発達の検討 -物理的環境との関連から-}, year = {2014} }