@article{oai:icu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002262, author = {水口, 洋}, issue = {56}, journal = {教育研究}, month = {Mar}, note = {教職課程を履修する学生の多くが,中学高校時代に「部活動」を通して得た達成感の大きさを語る。将来教職についた時もクラブ指導を仕事の範囲として認識している。しかし,中高生にとって大きな教育的体験である部活動は,現行の学習指導要領の特別活動には含まれず,正規の教育課程に存在しない活動とされている。本稿では,歴史的変遷を踏まえて部活動の位置づけを整理する。現場の教師たちのボランティア的な関わりが部活動に教育的意義を与えてきたことを明らかにしたい。また,時間的拘束性の強い部活動が,教員にとり大きな精神的実際的な負担となっていること,安全管理や集団指導の方法を巡って問題が起きやすいことなど,現場の教師の視点から見た問題点を述べ,教育的意義と負担の大きさの狭間で,部活動を今後どのように位置づけていくべきなのかを考察したい。, Many students studying in teacher-training courses talk of the great sense of accomplishment they felt during club activities when they were in school. Though they will be teachers in the future, many have exhibited a strong desire to work as club advisers. However, regulations for club activities are not established in current government guidelines for teaching. Club activities are considered activities outside the realm of extracurricular activities that do not exist within the curriculum. In this paper, historical facts are used to identify the role of club activities. The educational importance of the club activities comes at the sacrifice of the teachers’ free time and shoulders them with an additional mental burden. There are also safety issues to be dealt with. While taking into consideration the burden club activities place on the educational process, I examine the role club activities should play in education.}, pages = {31--41}, title = {部活動をどのように位置付けるのか}, year = {2014} }