@article{oai:icu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000124, author = {金山, 泰子}, issue = {5}, journal = {ICU 日本語教育研究, ICU Studies in Japanese Language Education}, month = {Mar}, note = {This paper examined the difference in the recognition of “hai” and “ee” through a questionnaireusing comics. The results indicate that the subjects (28 Japanese native) made a conscious decision about whetherto use “hai” or “ee”. We found general usages. On the other hand, many reasons for the use of “hai” and “ee” which cannot be fully explained by previous studies, were also found. For instance, we found that “hai” shows stronger agreement than “ee” does. We also found that with regard to the reason for choosing “ee”, “speakers’ feeling,” “speakers’ image,” and “image of ‘ee’” are prominent factors. Furthermore, the participants of the survey stated that “ee” is an emotional response that occurs before logical thinking and judgment take place. Consequently, we found that as compared to “hai”, “ee” can mean “yes plus something more” ; this “something more” captures various feelings of a speaker.}, pages = {19--44}, title = {「はい」 「ええ」 の使い分けに関する調査 ―漫画を使用したアンケートを通して―}, year = {2009} }